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Assessing What’s in Your Nestbox

Steps we take when assessing litters early is looking at their hindquarter frame. The back leg alignment will determine how their HQs...

New Buyer’s Checklist

Because a picture is worth nothing when it comes to quality rabbits. 🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇 I’m going to list some incredibly important...

The Beveren Blue: a distinct color

Since purchasing and importing ‘Baker’, a British Beveren Blue buck from Chris Baker, producing the correct Beveren blue has become a...

Something Special 4/23

Every time I head outside to tend to the farm, it seems something special catches my eye or ear. Last night I thought it would be fun to...

Baby Bunny Photo Shoots

Who doesn’t love baby bunnies?!? Springtime and Easter are symbolized by babies and bunnies but getting a new pet isn’t always what’s...

New Day, New Eggs

Our luck continues. Another turkey egg was found today and this one was a little different. With a slightly different color we are...

First Turkey Egg!

Went out this morning to let the Turkeys out of the coop and what did I spot with my eye? Our first Turkey egg. I'm not sure laid it,...

New Website and New Bunnies

2017 is off to a great start. Despite a few sudden heavy snow storms, our doe's have been producing some good looking litters. We've...

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Easton CT

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